Weather Forecast – Application

The Weather Forecast Application displays weather data, including temperature, humidity, and conditions, based on a city search. It supports CRUD operations for adding and removing city data and persists in local storage.

How to Test:

  1. Add City: Enter a city name and retrieve its weather data.
  2. Edit City: Modify the city’s name or data and save changes.
  3. Delete City: Remove a city and check that it’s deleted.
  4. Search: Search for weather data by city name.
  5. Pagination: Add over 10 cities and test pagination.
  6. Local Storage: Refresh the page and ensure cities are retained.
  7. Bugs: Test for invalid city entries, empty fields, and pagination issues.

Wether Forcast Aplication with Local Storage

Wether Forcast Aplication

# City Temperature (°C) Condition Status Actions
21 Nashville 27 Sunny Viewed
22 Charlotte 29 Sunny Not Viewed
23 Detroit 20 Windy Viewed
24 Baltimore 22 Cloudy Not Viewed
25 Salt Lake City 23 Sunny Viewed
26 Cleveland 18 Rainy Not Viewed
27 Milwaukee 21 Cloudy Viewed
28 Minneapolis 17 Rainy Not Viewed
29 St. Louis 26 Sunny Viewed
30 Kansas City 24 Cloudy Not Viewed
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